Fight Your OWI Charges With A Driven Attorney
A short ride home from the bar may not seem like a severe problem until you get pulled over and are charged with OWI. When an OWI conviction can leave you with considerable fines, possible license suspension and even time behind bars, you need an attorney who will stop at nothing to defend you.
At Grand Law, we understand what can be at stake in these charges, and we stop at nothing to secure the best possible outcome for you. Do not settle for less by choosing an attorney who will just go through the motions to try to get to a quick resolution. We understand the science and the law, and you can count on us to pursue the best possible outcome.
Thorough And Comprehensive Representation
At our Grand Rapids office, we take an in–depth approach to drunk driving charges, and we explore every option to defend your rights and reputation. From challenging the officer’s administration of the sobriety tests to making sure the breath or blood testing was done correctly and that the machines are working right, we delve in like few others.
We get into the nitty gritty of the chemical and scientific tests, challenging field sobriety tests and breathalyzer tests, and even calling into question whether or not the arresting officer had probable cause. It is never enough for us to simply receive the initial data from a police report. We also get the data behind the reports. Tests are not always accurate, which is why we want to be sure we leave no stone unturned while defending you.
While settling things through negotiation to reduce or dismiss your charges is always an option, we believe you negotiate from strength, and we are not afraid to put up a strong fight through extensive litigation on your behalf.
Service You Can Trust
We pride ourselves on being a firm that puts the needs of our clients first as they receive our full attention. You can trust that you will not feel neglected or underrepresented by our team.
If you are ready to schedule an initial consultation with the Michigan attorney you can count on, contact our office at 616-458-7900 or email us today.